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Our Unique Collection

Lira | NFT Collection | Limited Edition | Only 100 mints avaliable!

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Our Unique Collection

Parzival | NFT Collection | Limited Edition | Only 100 mints avaliable!

NFT Collection

My Tarot NFTs

We are specializing in creating NFTs in style of medieval tarot cards. All of our NFTs are available on foundation.


Our Destiny

We combined mystical world of tarot merges seamlessly with history, royalty, and captivating stories. Imagine a blend of historical figures like kings and queens, alongside epic narratives reminiscent of Romeo and Juliet, enriched with the allure of fantasy elements such as dragons. This combination, in our opinion, makes these NFTs truly exceptional and aesthetically stunning.


We have grand plans to create cinematic stories featuring characters from our NFTs, which will be showcased and promoted on YouTube, similar to how Arcane from League of Legends captivates its audience. Over time, these characters and their tales will weave together into a compelling narrative.

Additionally, we envision a dedicated website accessible only to NFT holders, who will log in through their wallets. This platform will feature interactive tasks that contribute to the evolving story, culminating in the minting of a special, rare NFT token.


In the distant future, we also plan to introduce a memecoin associated with this project, adding another layer of engagement and value for the community. While this ambitious journey is still in its planning stages, we are committed to bringing it to life.


If you have any questions or need further details, feel free to contact us!


We appreciate any form of support from your side that will contribute to the realization of our plans! All of our NFTs are avaliable on Foundation.


Steps to Achieve Our Vision

Create a Detailed interactive NFT Universe Map 🗺️

  • Design a comprehensive map that outlines the mystical world of Tarot.

  • Include regions governed by historical figures like kings and queens, epic narratives similar to Romeo and Juliet, and fantasy elements such as dragons.

Develop Cinematic Stories 🎬

  • Craft engaging stories featuring characters from our NFTs.

  • Produce high-quality cinematic videos to be showcased on YouTube, aiming for the same level of engagement as Arcane from League of Legends.

  • Gradually weave these individual stories into a cohesive, compelling narrative.

Launch an Exclusive NFT Holder Website 🌐

  • Create a dedicated website accessible only to NFT holders, with wallet-based login.

  • Offer interactive tasks and quests on the platform that contribute to the evolving story.

  • Introduce a system where completing these tasks can lead to the minting of special, rare NFT tokens.

Community Building and Engagement 🤝

  • Foster a vibrant and engaged community around our NFTs.

  • Host events, AMA sessions, and exclusive content releases to maintain high levels of interaction and interest.

Introduce a Memecoin 🪙

  • Plan for the future release of a memecoin associated with the World of Tarot project.

  • Create unique utilities and rewards for the memecoin to add value and engagement for the community.

Marketing and Promotion 📣

  • Launch targeted marketing campaigns to promote our NFTs on various platforms, including social media and NFT marketplaces.

  • Collaborate with influencers and other projects to expand our reach.

Expand the Universe Continuously 🚀

  • Regularly release new NFT characters, stories, and interactive content.

  • Keep the community engaged with constant updates and fresh content.

Gather Feedback and Adapt 🔄

  • Continuously collect feedback from the community to improve and adapt our offerings.

  • Ensure the project evolves based on the interests and desires of our NFT holders.


Our Tarot NFTs and their story


The importance of Your support

Your support is crucial in bringing the mystical "World of Tarot" to life. Whether through purchasing our NFTs or making a donation, every contribution helps us move closer to realizing our vision.

Buying NFTs: When you purchase our NFTs, you're not just acquiring a piece of digital art; you're becoming a part of an epic narrative filled with history, royalty, and fantasy. Your investment directly funds the creation of cinematic stories, exclusive content, and the development of our interactive platform.

Donations: If purchasing an NFT isn't possible, donations in fiat or crypto are equally valuable. These contributions help sustain our project, enabling us to produce high-quality content and expand our universe continuously.

Your support, in any form, empowers us to create an enchanting and engaging experience for our community.

Thank you for being part of our journey!


Our PixelTarot NFTs 

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